Sunday, February 10, 2013

things I learned on 1st wk of February

1. Don't go to Divisoria on a weekday..especially if you have work the next day..just don't..(unless you have the most understanding supervisor in the world who would just allow you to adjust your sched without any questions)

2. Glorietta had changed. Yes, you may have memorized its entire floor plan like you have the blueprint tattooed on your mind 4 years ago but its completely changed into a full-pledged maze. So if you're planning to watch a movie there, make sure you have a mobile GPS functional. That way, you will not lose your time trying to search for the cinemas like a worn-out Amazing Race participant. (you don't want to miss the trailers, right?)

3. If you plan to clean up and rearrange it, finish the task. But don't scold yourself if you only got to clean it and only got to half of the rearrangements. No need to hurry. Rearranging your room is like rearranging your whole life. You have to decide where certain things should be placed, on your bedside table, on your wall, or on your bottom-most drawer..take your time..

4. It's time to be serious about owning a property. No more procrastinating. Call that real state agent or car sales executive today and discuss your options. Now.

5. Never miss a week without having checked on your friends and family. I guess I don't have to explain.

hope you all had a great week!

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