one more working day and i'll get to rest my head..
enough about work..another thing that made my head spin this week was my daily ride..well, didn't really seem to mind before, but i just realized that these rides could sometimes get to you..last wednesday, as i was heading back home, i rode this tricycle which gives out a veeerrrryyy annoying sound/noice whenever 'manong' would slow down or make a's sooooo...grrrr! i would've shouted at the driver but i decided not to egg on my exasperation because in the end, i know that it won't make me feel any better..and i never shout when i'm angry anyway..and yesterday, the jeepney driver's assistant wouldn't have given me my change if i haven't insisted..geez..he said that the fare is 10 pesos not 7 (jenny's-countryside)..i so much wanted to tell him "are you out of your freaking mind?" but no, i just told him "no, it's only seven pesos" and the driver agreed..same thing happened with the fx driver, tried to get 40 from me when it should only be 25..gosh, i am now starting to think that i'm really good at controlling my temper..
I haven't cooked anything at home for this week..for whatever mysterious reason, i just can't seem to drag myself into the kitchen this past few days..i'm sooo damn tired..i miss vegetables..i miss cooking for myself..whenever i get home, i would just wash up and go to sleep..and when i wake up, i would take a bath and prepare for work..i guess when you're in graveyard shift and you're all alone at home, you just can't seem to have time to cook..because the time that you'd spend preparing your food, you'd rather spend it sleeping..really guilty..
good thing i have my WWF school tour..this time to Commonwealth Elementary kept me sane somehow..and eventhough i'm so tired from work, the kids' laughter and liveliness gives me a different kind of energy that could get me through the day's lesson..
a sad note though, my closest friends at work are going, going, gone..and it infuriates me when i think about who started was all her fault..she's the only one to blame..i didn't know that people like her really exist..
you may think this is a very silly thing but i did cry while i was looking at the pictures (yes, pictures not videos) of Michael Jackson's memorial service..yeah, i did cry..he made a big difference and he deserved all the love from his family, friends and fans..geez, i'm teary-eyed again..
that's it for now..see yah later!