Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 for Cai

*just posting this from what i have on my journal..

So 2012 has come and gone and I'm still here. A question pops into my head though, "is life still the same as I've always known it?

Last year, I took risks. You see when you take risks, most people pray it would go the best way you want it to be and not bring you the worst possible situation. However, the consequences of our actions are so diverse that predicting the future is a very nasty job indeed. When you're "lucky" enough, you might get a bit of both. I guess I did. But nevertheless, I have no regrets. If i'd be asked to take the same risks again, I definitely would, but I'd be wiser.

So this year, take risks still, whatever it maybe about..but be braver..and wiser..

This year, I will also continue to nurture my love for travelling. 

Just recently, a friend of mine asked me, "So, what are you going to do this weekend?". I said, "Well, nothing much, I'm just staying at my apartment."

He responded with a loud, mocking laugh. "You're kidding, right? Cai -- indoors on a fine-weathered weekend? The world must have turned upside down."

Then it got me thinking, maybe it did. And what the hell just happened? Did I just let it happen? My friend's right. I was always travelling. No matter how sleep-deprived or energy-drained I am, I am always somewhere else.

This year, nothing shall/will stop me from travelling. 

If there's a risk I would not want to take, it's the risk of not taking the opportunity to explore the world while I can or enjoy life when I must.

So, is life the same as I've always known it? Yes, but it will definitely be better!


[vayie] said...

I hope you'll blog regularly. Nice to have the blogger in you back!

Cai said...

thanks ate vayie! will definitely try..i still remember a few of the tricks you shared with me.. :)